Download starcraft brood war 18.1 free blizzard
Download starcraft brood war 18.1 free blizzard

download starcraft brood war 18.1 free blizzard

Replays with pauses should no longer cause crashes.Pausing Alt+F4 for 1 second - to address stats not updating when the host uses that method to gg.Lobby IDs no longer change on refresh - addressing one of the causes of stats only updating properly for the game host.Attack or rally commands sent rapidly to the minimap will no longer switch the camera position.Fullscreen will now use the monitor's highest refresh rate.Tuned input handling with Vsync or FPS cap on.Tuned responsiveness when control group commands follow build commands.Join's available game list refresh rate slowed from 1 second to 7.Switching between Progressive-IME and standard input will no longer delete standard characters.Mouse sensitivity no longer defaults to lowest setting on fresh install.Alternate team color now displays properly when placing buildings.Building placement image now appears above the fog of war.Commands issued immediately before changing control groups no longer apply to the new group.Mouse sensitivity now displays the delta's percentage.Mouse sensitivity can be turned off to utilize system settings.

download starcraft brood war 18.1 free blizzard

Mouse sensitivity expanded from 10 to 20 available settings.For Columbo: German death sounds for Protoss units are no longer scrambled.Map names and descriptions respect color codes and carriage returns.Lobby names support up to 31 characters.Game latency now has 5 available options during lobby creation.Release: Specific Changes & Improvements 2 Patch 1.18 Public Test Realm/Region (PTR).

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